Books published in 2015
Both can be ordered from Sicista Development Centre.
E-mail: matti.masing (at)
Masing, M. 2015. Eesti nahkhiired. Sicista Arenduskeskus, Haapsalu ja Tartu, 116 lk.
Raamatu tutvustaja ja levitaja: Sicista Arenduskeskus
Masing, M. 2015. Bats of Estonia and adjacent regions. Sicista Development Centre, Haapsalu and Tartu, 116 pp.
Advertiser and distributor of this book: Sicista Development Centre
Bat species found in Europe, 1975–2014
(Tables 16 and 17 of the above book)
Presentation film from May 2017 (in English)
On Thursday, 18th of May 2017 at 19.00
Villa Apteekki, Pappilantie 5, Espoo
Bats of Estonia and North Espoo (habitat requirements and ways of protection).
A presentation and a night walk guided by Dr. Matti Masing, expert of European boreal bats.
A special film about learning bats at Högnäs, North Espoo has been shown to the participants. -->
Masing, M. 2017. Bats of Högnäs - happy and free. Sicista Videos, 2017.
Masing, M. 2017. Bats of Högnäs - happy and free. Sicista Videos, 2017.
Presentation film from July 2017 (in Estonian)
Masing, M. 2017. Nahkhiired Eestis, Võrus ja mujal Euroopas: nahkhiirte liigid ja elupaigad. Ettekanne Võrumaa Keskraamatukogus. Võru, 11.7.2017.
[Masing, M. 2017. Bats in Estonia, Võru and elsewhere in Europe. A presentation in Central Library of Võru county. Võru, Estonia, 11.7.2017. In Estonian.]
Much of this presentation has been filmed. The first 14 min of this film can be found here -->
Bat night film from August 2020 (in Estonian)
On Sunday, 16th of August 2020 at 22.00
Pühajärve Sõjatamm, South Estonia
Masing, M. 2020. Nahkhiired Eestimaa öös. Nahkhiireõhtu Pühajärvel, 16.8.2020. (loodusõppe film)
Bat research history book published in 2024
This book can be ordered from Sicista Development Centre.E-mail: matti.masing (at)
Masing, M. 2024. Nahkhiirte uurimise ajaloost Eestis (ja mitte ainult). Avatud Maailm 2024, 311 lk.
Raamatu tutvustajad ja levitajad: Sicista Arenduskeskus ja Loodusekoda MTÜ.
Alates juunist 2024 on raamat saadaval Eesti Looduseuurijate Seltsi kontoris Tartus.
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