Selected publications on detector-based methods used in bat research
Ahlén, I. 1981a. Field identification of bats and survey methods based on sounds. – Myotis, 18—19, 128—136.
Ahlén, I. 1981b. Identification of Scandinavian bats by their sounds. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Department of wildlife Ecology, Uppsala, Report 6. 56 pp.
Ahlén, I. 1990. Identification of bats in flight. – Swedish Society for Conservation of Nature, and The Swedish Youth Association for Environmental Studies and Conservation, Stockholm, 50 pp.
Ahlén, I. 2004. Heterodyne and time expansion methods for identification of bats in the field and through sound analysis. Pp 72—79 in: Brigham, R.M., Kalko, E.K.V., Jones, G., Parsons, S., Limpens, H.J.G.A. (Eds.). Bat Echolocation Research – tools, techniques and analysis. Bat Conservation International, Austin, Texas, April 2002.
Ahlén, I. & Baagøe, H. 1999. Use of ultrasound detectors for bat studies in Europe – experiences from field identification, surveys and monitoring. – Acta Chiropterologica, 1, 137—150.
M. 2015. Acoustic ecology of European bats. Species Identification
and Studies of Their Habitats and Foraging Behaviour. Biotope
Editions, Mèze; National Museum of Natural History, Paris
(collection Inventaires et biodiversité), 340 pp.
Boonman, M. 1996. Monitoring bats on their hunting grounds. – Myotis, 34, 17—25.
De Wijs, W.J.R. 1999. Feasibility of monitoring bats on transects with ultrasound detectors. – Trav. sci. Mus. nat. hist. nat. Luxembourg, 31, 95—105.
Gjerde, L. 1999. Methods and theories of monitoring bats in Norway. – Trav. sci. Mus. nat. hist. nat. Luxembourg, 31, 73—86.
Jüdes, U. 1989. Analysis of the distribution of flying bats along line-transects. – In: Hanak, V., Horacek, I. & Gaisler, J. (eds.). European bat research 1987. Charles Univ. Press, Praha, 311—318.
Kapteyn, K. 1993. Intraspecific variation in echolocation of vespertilionid bats, and its implications for identification. – Proceedings of the First European Bat Detector Workshop. (K. Kapteyn, ed.) Amsterdam, 45—57.
Keppart, V., Masing, M. & Lutsar, L. 2005. Nahkhiired Luual. [Bats at Luua.] Rmt.: Belials, V. (koost.) Luua Metsanduskool. Artiklid ja uurimused, 4. Luua, 77—88.
Limpens, H.J.G.A. 1993. Bat-detectors in a detailed bat survey: a method. – Proceedings of the First European Bat Detector Workshop (K. Kapteyn, ed.). Netherlands Bat Research Foundation. Amsterdam, 79—90.
Limpens, H.J.G.A. & Roschen, A. 1995. Bestimmung der mitteleuropäischen Fledermausarten anhand ihrer Rufe. Begleitheft zur Lern- und Übungskassette. BAG Fledermausschutz im Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V. (NABU). Berlin, 48 pp.
Masing, M. 1999. Experience of bat monitoring with bat detectors in Estonia. – Trav. sci. Mus. nat. hist. nat. Luxembourg, 31, 51—58.