Project reports NEW


The present report presents a simple, yet efficient bat monitoring scheme for Central Espoo (southern Finland), which is based on the efficient use of ultrasound hand-detectors, well designed point counting network, and work of experienced bat scientists.

The point counting method (PC) implemented in this study has been widely used in Europe over the past 20 years. It gives the best results in northern parts of Europe, especially in towns, where bat species present can be firmly identified to species level on most occasions, using only the diagnostic characters of sonar calls.

In recent years, bat scientists have made a significant step forward: beginning with the present report, the sibling species of small Myotis (namely, brandtii and mystacinus), relatively common in forested areas of Europe, can be also identified to species level on many occasions. This has not been possible for decades, making the results of detector-based bat studies vague. But from now on this is possible! So I advise to use this unique possibility, and include similar bat monitoring schemes in bat monitoring programmes of European countries.

The easiest way to do so is by contacting the author of this report.

Masing, M. 2022. Bats in Central Espoo in August 2021. – Sicista PDF. 107 pp. 

Summary. In August 2021, a study on bat species and their habitats was carried out in Espoo and nearby Kattila (southern Finland), using Pettersson D240x ultrasound detector and visual observation. This study proposes an easy bat monitoring scheme for Espoo area, in which detector-based bat counts should be regularly carried out at selected sites. As a result of this monitoring work, the knowledge about bats and their habitats becomes available to people, which then allows them to efficiently protect bats and their habitats. An efficient and easy-to-use detector-based point counting method to monitor bat populations, implemented in this study, is advised to be used widely all over Europe.   

Other, the list below in alphabetical plus chronological order ( a selection)-->

Masing, M. 2017. Bats of Högnäs – happy and free. Sicista Videos.

Masing, M. 2017. Bats of Estonia and North Espoo (PowerPoint presentation, Espoo, 18.5.2017). 

Masing, M. & Piiskoppel, T. 2020. Nahkhiirte uuring Piha tuulepargi piirkonnas 2020. aastal. – Sicista PDF. Tartu, 26 lk.

Masing, M. 2021. Nahkhiirte inventuur Valgevälja metsas 2021. aasta juulis (looduskaitselise uurimistöö kokkuvõte). – Sicista PDF. Tartu, 20 lk.

Masing, M. & Piiskoppel, T. 2023. Nahkhiirte uuring Jägala jõe alamjooksu piirkonnas 2023. aasta suvel. – Sicista PDF. Oktoober 2023, 54 lk.

Masing, M. & Piiskoppel, T. 2023. Nahkhiirte uuring Saesaare paisjärve piirkonnas 2023. aastal. – Sicista PDF. Tartu, 57 lk.

Masing, M. 2024. Nahkhiirte uuring Jägala jõe alamjooksu piirkonnas 2024. aasta suvel. [Detector-based bat research in the lower basin of Jägala River in the summer of 2024.] Sicista PDF. Detsember 2024, 122 lk.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21853.12004/1 → ResearchGate, 12.01.2025

Masing, M. 2025. Nahkhiirte uuring Konati piirkonnas Saaremaal 2023. a suvel. Välitööde metoodika, tulemused, analüüs ja soovitused. [Study on bats in Konati region, Saaremaa, Estonia in the summer of 2023.] – Sicista PDF. Tartu, 58 lk → ResearchGate, 12.01.2025 
[NB! This report includes the comparison of two detector-based tools to study bats, and an important note on the situation with bat research and bat protection in Estonia.]