References to our bat-work

References to bat-work carried out by our team

Baranauskas K. 2001. Hibernation of Barbastelle (Barbastella barbastellus) in Šeškinė bunkers in Vilnius (Lithuania). A possible bat population response to climate change. Acta Zoologica Lithuanica, 11(1), 15—19.

Baranauskas K. 2003. The first data about the hibernation of Daubenton’s bat (Myotis daubentonii) in the Paneriai tunnel (Vilnius, Lithuania). Acta Zoologica Lithuanica, 13(4), 379—384.

Baranauskas, K. 2007a. Bats (Chiroptera) found in bat boxes in Southeastern Lithuania. Ekologija, 53(4), 34—37.

Baranauskas, K. 2007b. New data on bats in the Paneriai tunnel (Vilnius, Lithuania). Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 17(3), 244—246.

Baranauskas, K. 2009. The use of Bat Boxes of Two Models by Nathusius' Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii) in Southeastern Lithuania. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 19(1), 1—9.

Baranauskas, K. 2010. Diversity and Abundance of Bats (Chiroptera) Found in Bat Boxes in East Lithuania. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 20(1), 39—44.

Baranauskas K., Balčiauskas L., Mažeikytė R. 2005. Vilnius city theriofauna. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 15(3), 228—238.

Baranauskas, K., Grikienienė, J. & Masing, M. 2006. Particoloured bat Vespertilio murinus (Chiroptera) found hibernating in Lithuania for the first time. Ekologija, 4, 31—33.

Baranauskas K., Mickevičius E., Mickevičienė I. 2005. Šikšnosparnių įvairovė ir gausumas Vilniaus miesto žiemavietėse. Ekologija, 1, 37—42.

Chistyakov D.V., Masing M.V., Bogdarina S.V. 2010. New data on bats (Chiroptera, Vespertilonidae) of Pskov Region. – Plecotus et al., 13, 27—31.

Keppart, V., Masing, M. & Lutsar, L. 2005. Nahkhiired Luual. [Bats at Luua.] Rmt.: Belials, V. (koost.) Luua Metsanduskool. Artiklid ja uurimused, 4. Luua, 77—88.

Liiva, E. & Masing, M. 1987. [Ecological observations in the winter quarters of bats.] – Acta et comm. Univ. Tartuensis, 769, 41—55. (in Russian)

Lutsar, L. & Masing, M. 2011. Parti-coloured Bat (Vespertilio murinus) found in Estonia during winter. 12th European Bat Research Symposium. Vilnius, 22—26 August 2011, poster presentation, 6 pp. (Lutsar Masing 2011pr Vmur Estonia winter.pdf)

Lutsar, M., Masing, M. & Poots, L. 2000. Changes in the numbers of hibernating bats in the caves of Piusa (Estonia), 1949—1999. – Folia Theriologica Estonica, 5, 101—117.

Masing, M. 1977. Nattereri lendlane meil ja mujal. [Natterer's Bat in Estonia and elsewhere.] – Eesti Loodus, 7, 439—440.

Masing, M. 1981. Nahkhiirte talvitumisest madalatel õhutemperatuuridel. [On the hibernation of bats at low air temperatures.] – Eesti Loodus, 12, 760—764.

Masing, M. 1983. On the hibernation of bats in Estonia. – Myotis, 20, 5—10.

Masing, M. 1984. Lendlased. [Bats of the genus Myotis.] Valgus, Tallinn, 110 lk. [including primary monitoring of Natterer's Bat in Estonia during 1976—1981]

Masing, M. 1990. [Caves of Estonia – unique places of mass-hibernation of bats.] Tartu, 83 pp. (in Russian)

Masing, M. 1994. Nahkhiirte seire detektoriga. [Monitoring bats using detectors.] In: Zooloogiakonverents: "Zooloogia arengusuunad Eestis". Tartu, P21.

Masing, M. 1999. Experience of bat monitoring with bat detectors in Estonia. – Trav. sci. Mus. nat. hist. nat. Luxembourg, 31, 51—58.

Masing, M. 2004a. Learning bat sounds. – Eptesicus, navigation (

Masing, M. 2004b. Estonian Bat Group – the story. – Eptesicus, 3.

Masing, M. 2004c. Example of a bat sound study. – Eptesicus, navigation (

Masing, M. 2006. Nahkhiirte vaatlused rannikul seoses tuuleturbiinidega. [Observations of bats on the coast in connection with wind turbines.] Rmt: Taastuvate energiaallikate uurimine ja kasutamine. (Toim. V. Tiit) Seitsmenda konverentsi kogumik. Tartu, Estonia, 95—111.

Masing, M. 2008a. A review of methods used to monitor bat populations in Estonia. – 7th Baltic Theriological Conference, Lepanina, Estonia, 1—5.10.2008. Abstracts, 59—60.

Masing, M. 2008b. The sonars of Plecotus auritus et al. (Chiroptera) – 7th Baltic Theriological Conference, Lepanina, Estonia, 1—5.10.2008. Abstracts, 54—56.

Masing, M. 2009a. A review of bat migration studies carried out in Estonia. – 1st International Symposium on Bat Migration. Berlin, Germany, 16—18 January 2009. Poster presentation, 6 pp. (Masing2009-bat-mig-Estonia-Berlin-poster.pdf)

Masing, M. 2009b. A review of bat migration studies carried out in Estonia (1984—2009). Part one: First period (1984—1990). – Bat Migration in the Baltic Area. Lund, 12—14 November 2009. Oral presentation, 25 pp. (Masing2009-bat-mig-Estonia-Lund-oral.pdf)

Masing, M. 2009c. Eesti parkide nahkhiireline väärtus detektor-uuringute põhjal (1999—2008). [The value of Estonian parks for bats revealed by detector-based studies 1999—2008.] Abiks loodushuvilisele, 25.2.2009. Sicista PDF, Tartu, 25 lk. (Masing2009-0225-Eesti-parkide-nh.pdf)

Masing, M. 2011a. Bat sounds and sound diagnostics of bat species occurring in Aukštadvaris area. – 8th European Bat Detector Workshop. Aukštadvaris, Lithuania 18—21 August 2011, oral presentation, 32 pp. (Masing 2011-08-19pr Bat sounds and sound diagnostics.pdf)

Masing, M. 2011b. How many bats migrate along Estonian coasts during late summer? – 12th European Bat Research Symposium. Vilnius, 22—26 August 2011, oral presentation, 21 pp. (Masing 2011pr How many bats Estonian coasts.pdf)

Masing, M. 2011c. Monitoring bats in Estonia during six decades (including detector-based monitoring of bats during two decades). – 8th European Bat Detector Workshop. Aukštadvaris, Lithuania 18—21 August 2011, oral presentation, 18 pp. (Masing 2011-08-20pr Monitoring bats Estonia.pdf)

Masing, M. 2013. Detector-based observations of bats in European towns. Poster presentation, 10 pp. – 3rd International Berlin Bat Meeting: Bats in the Anthropocene 1.―3. March 2013, Berlin, Germany.

Masing, M. 2015a. Bats of Estonia and adjacent regions. Sicista Development Centre, Haapsalu and Tartu, 116 pp.

Masing, M. 2015b. Eesti nahkhiired. Sicista Arenduskeskus, Haapsalu ja Tartu, 116 lk.

Masing, M. 2017. Bats of Högnäs and South Bodom. Final Report. Sicista PDF. Haapsalu and Tartu, 70 pp.

Masing, M. & Baranauskas, K. 2011a. A detector-based bat survey in Aukštadvaris area (Lithuania) in August 2005. – 8th European Bat Detector Workshop. Aukštadvaris, Lithuania 18—21 August 2011, oral presentation, 29 pp. (Masing Baranauskas 2011-08-18pr Aukstadvaris 2005.pdf)

Masing, M. & Baranauskas, K. 2011b. Monitoring bats in Vilnius during spring and summer. – 12th European Bat Research Symposium. Vilnius, 22—26 August 2011, poster presentation, 7 pp. (Masing Baranauskas 2011pr Monitoring bats Vilnius.pdf)

Masing, M., Baranauskas, K. & Mickevičius, E. 1997. New data on bats of eastern Lithuania from summer 1995. – Myotis, 35, 95—101.

Masing, M., Baranauskas, K., Siivonen, Y. & Wermundsen, T. 2009. Bats hibernating in Kaunas Fortress, Lithuania. – Estonian Journal of Ecology, 58 (3), 192—204.

Masing, M. & Buša, I. 1983. On the hibernation of bats in the South Baltic area. Soobshcheniya Pribaltijskoj komissii po izucheniyu migratsii ptits, 16, 102—114 (in Russian).

Masing, M., Keppart, V. & Lutsar, L. 2008. Action Plan for the Conservation Management of Bats 2005—2009. – Eesti ulukid, 10a. Estonian Theriological Society. Tartu, 70 pp.

Masing, M., Laur, T., Leivits, A. & Vilbaste, H. 1987. Studies on bat migration in Estonia in autumn 1985. – Loodusevaatlusi 1985, 1, 87—103.

Masing, M. & Lutsar, L. 2007. Hibernation temperatures in seven species of sedentary bats (Chiroptera) in northeastern Europe. – Acta Zoologica Lituanica 17, (1), 47—55.

Masing, M., Lutsar, L. & Lotman, K. 1998. Monitoring bats with bat detectors in Estonia. – Myotis, 36, 167—176.

Masing, M., Lutsar, L. & Lotman, K. 2000. Monitoring bats (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in summer habitats in Estonia, 1995—1999. – Folia Theriologica Estonica, 5, 118—130.

Masing, M., Lutsar, L. & Lotman, K. 2005. Line counting and point counting of foraging bats in Estonia, a comparison. – Le Rhinolophe, 17, 121—125.

Masing, M. & Möller, T. 2004. How long should point counting last? – Eptesicus, 3.

Masing, M. & Möller, T. 2004-2005. How long should point counting last? – Eptesicus, 3.

Masing, M., Poots, L., Randla, T. & Lutsar, L. 1999. 50 years of bat-ringing in Estonia: methods and the main results. – Plecotus et al., 2, 20—35.

Masing, M. & Siivonen, Y. 2005. Driving home from Vilnius. – Eptesicus, 4.

Siivonen, Y. 2001. Järvenpään kaupungin lepakkokartoitus 2001—2002, vaihe I:n raportti joulukuu 2001. 6 pp.

Siivonen, Y. 2002a. Vantaan lepakkokartoitus 2001—2002. – Vantaan kaupunki. Ympäristökeskus, C18:2002. 21 pp.

Siivonen, Y. 2002b. Espoon eteläosien lepakkokartoitus 2002 (Sammandrag: Kartläggning av fladdermöss i de södra delarna av Esbo år 2002). – Espoon ympäristölautakunnan julkaisu 3/2002. 34 pp.

Siivonen, Y. 2002c. Tampereen kantakaupungin lepakkokartoitus 2002. Joulukuu 2002. – Kartoitusraportti. Tampereen kaupunki, ympäristövalvonta, D n:o YVI:113/649/03. 17 pp

Siivonen, Y. 2003. Raision kaupungin lepakkokartoitus 2003. Kartoitusraportti. [Bat survey in the city of Raisio, 2003.] 23 pp.

Siivonen, Y. 2004a. Helsingin lepakkolajisto ja tärkeät lepakkoalueet vuonna 2003. [Bat species and important bat areas in the city of Helsinki, 2003.] Helsingin kaupungin ympäristökeskuksen julkaisuja 3/2004. 44 pp.

Siivonen, Y. 2004b. Ikaalisten kaupungin lepakkokartoitus 2004. [Bat survey in the city of Ikaalinen, 2004.] Kartoitusraportti. Batcon group. 25 pp + 2 appendices.

Siivonen, Y. 2004c. Nurmijärven lepakkokartoitus 2004. Kartoitusraportti. [Bat survey in Nurmijärvi municipality, 2004.] Batcon Group. 24 pp. + 1 appendix.

Siivonen, Y. & Wermundsen, T. 2003. Distribution of Nathusius’ Pipistrelle Pipistrellus nathusii (Keyserling & Blasius, 1839) in Finland. – Studia Chiropterologica, 3—4, 43—47.

Siivonen, Y. & Wermundsen, T. 2003. First records of Myotis dasycneme and Pipistrellus pipistrellus in Finland. – Vespertilio, 7, 177—179.

Siivonen, Y. & Wermundsen, T. 2006. Haminan kantakaupungin, Vilniemen ja Summan jokilaakson lepakkokartoitus 2005—2006. Kartoitusraportti. Joulukuu 2006. [Report of the bat survey in Hamina, Vilniemi and Summa river valley 2005—2006.] – Wermundsen Consulting Oy. 13 pp. + 6 app. 

Siivonen, Y. & Wermundsen, T. 2008. Characteristics of winter roosts of bat species in southern Finland. – Mammalia, 72, 50—56.

Siivonen, Y. & Wermundsen, T. 2008. Distribution and foraging habitats of bats in Northern Finland: Myotis daubentonii occurs north of the Arctic Circle. – Vespertilio, 12, 41—48.

Siivonen, Y. & Wermundsen, T. 2008. Distribution of Natterer’s bat (Myotis nattereri) in Finland. – Nyctalus, 13(1), 42—47.

Wermundsen, T. 2010. Bat habitat requirements – implications for land use planning.
Dissertationes Forestales, 111, 49 pp. Available at

Wermundsen, T. & Siivonen, Y. 2004. Distribution of Pipistrellus species in Finland. – Myotis, 41—42, 93—98.